We continue to offer outdoor classes when the weather is favorable. If class need to be moved indoors, registered participants will be notified by text and deck classes may be moved indoors to our Mesquite Street studio space in the Richline IT building downtown at 114 N Mesquite St. Cancelations due to weater are never charged.
Gift Certificates Available for the Holidays!
You can easilty purchase a gift certificate on our website. Scroll to the bottom of our home page and go the the Customer Area. Choose the amount of the certificate and then you can customize it with your own message and then print or email the certificate. Gift Certificates are valid for 6 months!

Mesquite Street Indoor Studio
Our indoor studio space is located in the Richline Technical building in downtown Corpus Christi at 114 N Mesquite Street. This is the building with the ‘greetings from Corpus Christi’ mural, located less than five minutes from the marina houseboat studio. We have remodeled the space to make it larger for this winter. Deck classes will be held here if its too cold/rainy to be outdoors and registered participants will be notified by text.
Myo-Yin Yoga Workshops
We hope this relaxing workshop melts away your Holiday Stress! For this workshop we will combine the use of Myofascial release techniques, using therapy balls, with Yin yoga to help eliminate pain, knots and tension spots. We will stretch the connective tissue of the body, increasing circulation in the joints and improving flexibility.
WHEN: Friday December 18th, 5:30-7pm and Friday January 1st, 2:30-4pm
WHERE: Akasha Yoga Studio at 1017 Airline Rd. CC, TX 78412
COST: $30
REGISTER: Limted space, rserve your spot at waterdog.cc
NOTE: You must have your own ‘therapy balls’ for the workshop. We will have some available to purchase for $15 or you can bring/buy your own beforehand. After class ou should be able to practice therese self massage techniques at home.
Ugly Sweater Paddle
We will be holding two ‘Ugly Holiday Sweater’ Paddle Conditioning classes in December. Layer up and wear your favorite Holiday gear. We will paddle past the Christimas Tree at Water’s Edge Park and around the marina. These classes will be Saturday December 19th at 9am and Sunday December 20th at 8:30am.
Beach Barre at North Padre Island Sea Wall
We will be continueing Beach Barre in December, weather permitting. This class is a standing beach barre workout that will have a focus on sculpting, toning and lifting along with proper posture. Plan to get your toes sandy and your feet wet! H
Where: North Padre Island Sea Wall on North Padre island. Park near the Holiday Inn and we’ll be setting up near MM 215
When: Fridays at Sunrise 7am and Sundays at 10am with Heather. Anastasia will be teaching Saturday Dec. 13 & 26 at 10am and Alicia wll be teaching Saturday December 19th at 10am.
How: Only 10 spots available per class so you must reserve your spot online through the Booking tab at waterdog.cc
Indoor Pool SUP Fit at the Corpus Christi Athletic Club
We have partnered with the Corpus Christi Athletic Club to offer ? Indoor Pool SUP Fitness classes this ❄️winter season. Classes are Saturday and Sunday afternoons from 2-3pm. This class is open to both CCAC members and non-members. CCAC members pay $24 and non-CCAC members pay $32 per class. **You must register through CCAC (not Water Dog). CCAC members can register through their app, member portal or call. Non-CCAC membersneed to call CCAC to reserve their board: 361-992-7100 EXT 1145 or [email protected]
Beer Yoga Thursday December 3rd & 10th
In December we will be offering Beer Yoga at Nueces Brewing the first two Thursdays of the month at 6:30pm! We will aim to have the classes outdoors on the deck under the lights. However, if its too cold or rainy, we have a great option inside the brew house which is a HUGE space that can be sure to keep at least 6 feet between each mat. As alwasys the cost of the class includes your first beer and our beer (or beverage of choice) will be mindfully incorporated into the class.
*Call to or email us to book a private class 361-760-1050 or [email protected] |
Thank you again for all of your support of Water Dog!
Stacie & Josh Richline
Water Dog Floating Yoga